The Principle Of Restricted Talent And Other Bridge Stories (The Chthonic Bridge Chronicles).
A humorous book about the bridge robot Chthonic, which reminds very much of the Bridge Robot Jack, and his adventures at and away from the table.

Human Bridge Errors: Volume 1 of Infinity
Chthonic, the bridge-playing computer is back! This time he is attempting to teach humans a little about the game of bridge - not in order to turn them into competent players, because he knows that it is impossible...

Artificial Intelligense: The basics
Artificial Intelligence: The Basics is a concise and cutting-edge introduction to the fast moving world of AI. The author Kevin Warwick, a pioneer in the field, examines issues of what it means to be man or machine and looks at advances in robotics which have blurred the boundaries. Topics covered include:
- how intelligence can be defined
- whether machines can 'think'
- sensory input in machine systems
- the nature of consciousness
- the controversial culturing of human neurons.
Exploring issues at the heart of the subject, this book is suitable for anyone interested in AI, and provides an illuminating and accessible introduction to this fascinating subject.

Artificial Intelligens for dummies
Step into the future with AI
The term "Artificial Intelligence" has been around since the 1950s, but a lot has changed since then. Today, AI is referenced in the news, books, movies, and TV shows, and the exact definition is often misinterpreted. Artificial Intelligence For Dummies provides a clear introduction to AI and how it's being used today.
Inside, you'll get a clear overview of the technology, the common misconceptions surrounding it, and a fascinating look at its applications in everything from self-driving cars and drones to its contributions in the medical field.
- Learn about what AI has contributed to society
- Explore uses for AI in computer applications
- Discover the limits of what AI can do
- Find out about the history of AI
The world of AI is fascinating-and this hands-on guide makes it more accessible than ever!

Our Final Invention: Artificial Intelligence and the End of the Human Era Kindle Edition
Artificial Intelligence helps choose what books you buy, what movies you see, and even who you date. It puts the "smart" in your smartphone and soon it will drive your car. It makes most of the trades on Wall Street, and controls vital energy, water, and transportation infrastructure. But Artificial Intelligence can also threaten our existence.
In as little as a decade, AI could match and then surpass human intelligence. Corporations and government agencies are pouring billions into achieving AI's Holy Grail-human-level intelligence. Once AI has attained it, scientists argue, it will have survival drives much like our own. We may be forced to compete with a rival more cunning, more powerful, and more alien than we can imagine.
Through profiles of tech visionaries, industry watchdogs, and groundbreaking AI systems, Our Final Invention explores the perils of the heedless pursuit of advanced AI. Until now, human intelligence has had no rival. Can we coexist with beings whose intelligence dwarfs our own? And will they allow us to?